2020 Update Summary
To date we have connected 70 properties on Vicarage Lane, Morewood Drive, Boon Walks, Cocking Yard, Oak Court, Mowbray Drive, Thornleigh Drive and Dalton Lane.
B4RN leave a connection for every property.
During the year we have started to install ducting to properties on the west side of the village including Barton Close, Barton Row, The Square and Neddy Hill. These properties will all be connected via ducting from the fields to the west of the village.
In September the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) announced that they were closing the Gigabit Project from the 24th of the month. As a result we endeavoured to get as many people signed up before the deadline.
This was particularly in those areas where B4RN had proposed a ‘hard-dig’ i.e. Hutton Close, Hollowrayne, St James’s Drive, Burton Park, Station Lane, Vicarage Close, Tanpits Lane, Neddy Hill and the main road between the last two.
In October we learnt that, after concerted lobbying by Tim Farron and Michael Lee (B4RN CEO), the B4RN4Burton project had been granted ‘Voucher Priority Area’ status. Essentially this means that we can continue to plan and build the network within the village. There are currently 148 voucher applications waiting for a connection.
To get a voucher go to www.b4rn.org.uk/getb4rn. For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..