March 2022 Update

ADVANCE NOTICE: ROLLING CLOSURE Tanpits Lane, Station Lane, Neddy Hill 14th March - 14th April 2022.
The work to install high-speed fibre broadband in Burton will soon be moving to Tanpits Lane, Station Lane, Neddy Hill. Due to the nature of the roads in this area it is necessary to undertake a series of road closures during the above dates.
The works will be progressive and only some short sections are narrow enough to require full closure. Access into the area will still be possible from each direction and contractors will endeavour to keep actual closures as short as possible. At times there will be larger vehicles accessing the streetworks construction site to carry out certain tasks and which may block the road for short durations.
The installation consists of trenching in the carriageway or pavement, where it is available, to install ducting and "toby boxes", one at the boundary of each property. The toby box is buried at ground level and it forms the connection point between each property and the main fibre broadband network. All work will be carried out within approved planning and streetworks regulations and under appropriate permits from Cumbria County Council.
We understand these works will be disruptive, and we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. If you know you will need access to your vehicle when the works are obviously approaching your property, please help by moving your vehicle in advance if it is possible to do so. You will also be able to talk to the contractors directly and they will do their best to create access for you as soon as it is safe to do so. Please also talk to the contractors if you are aware of essential access that visitors may require. If you are not able to talk to the contractors, please contact one of your local volunteers (details below) who are able to contact contractors or B$RN representatives as needed.
Local Volunteers: Martin Sansby (07906 527601), Mike Iddon (07731 800811), Holly Phillips (07919 154116).