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Food Delivery Services

Food delivery services to Burton in Kendal

Burton Village Store

We are extremely fortunate to have Burton Village Store which carries most essentials you might need quickly. If you want to check if they have something in stock call them on 01524 781828.

If you can’t get to the shop yourself due to self-isolating, illness or disability then the Community Volunteer Group may be able to do a pick up and delivery for you. Contact Lesley Bailey on 01524 782984 or 07564 525226; or Christine Davidson 01524 782694 or 07760 756887. 

Businesses who deliver food  (excluding supermarkets)

I’m compiling a list of businesses that will deliver to the village, if you know of others please leave me a message and I’ll add them too.

Rob & Sue Grizedale for fruit & veg (they are based at Green Meadows in Holme), they will deliver - call them on 01524 781760 or 07980 282094.

Paul Fort, dairyman, supplies milk, eggs, orange juice & more, contact him on 07799 833800.

Nigel Smith, Smiths Milk of Yealand, call him on 01524 782008.

Creative Seafoods, Local Fish Delivery from Holme Mills, contact Paul on 07534 033447 or via https://www.facebook.com/CreativeSeafood/

Lakes Speciality Foods meat and cheese deliveries https://www.facebook.com/LakesSpecialityFoods/posts/2509376672647629

Plumgarths from Kendal are doing family meat packs and will deliver https://www.facebook.com/plumgarthsofkendal/

Cornvale Fine Foods from Melling will deliver meat, fruit & veg, bread & dairy https://www.facebook.com/CornvaleFineFoods/posts/2557886730988712

Supermarkets that deliver to Burton

ASDA https://www.asda.com/

Morrison's https://www.morrisons.com/

Sainsbury's https://help.sainsburys.co.uk/

Tesco https://www.tesco.com/

Supermarkets that do click and collect near Burton

ASDA Kendal or Lancaster https://www.asda.com/

Booth's Carnforth or Kirkby Lonsdale https://orders.booths.co.uk/store-locations

Morrison's Kendal or Lancasrter https://www.morrisons.com/

Sainsbury's Kendal or Morecame or Lancaster https://help.sainsburys.co.uk/

Tesco Carnforth https://www.tesco.com/


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