Local Support Services
Below are links to support services you may have need of at some time.
Dignity in Dementia
Enhancing Dignity in Dementia across Cumbria and North Lancashire. Learn what you don’t know about dementia and so much more…
Website: http://www.dignityindementia.org Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dignitydementia/
Cancer Care
CancerCare is a unique independent charity dedicated to helping people affected by cancer and other potentially life limiting conditions living in North Lancashire and South Cumbria. It has four offices around the Morecambe Bay area: Kendal, Barrow, Lancaster and Morecambe, and provides free professional counselling and complementary therapy for anyone affected by cancer & bereavement. Also runs a fundraising lottery to provide income to cover the cost of its services. If you want to join please see the link below.
Website: https://www.cancercare.org.uk/ Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/CancerCareCharity
Cancer Care lottery website: https://cancercarelottery.safeandsecurewebservices.net/
Manna House in Kendal
Manna House works for the benefit of the public in South Lakeland, providing advice, advocacy and a drop-in support centre for those who are homeless, vulnerably housed, lonely or needing help. They run various activity groups, e.g. women's chat group (sew and tea), men's chat get together (tea and dominoes!), provide housing and benefits advice, a skills café, a learning kitchen, drop-in sessions, free lunches, and coordinate the winter shelter programme.
Website: https://www.manna-house.org.uk/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mannahousecumbria/
Grief Chat
Grief Chat supports organisations and individuals dealing with grief by providing them with a safe space for bereaved people to be supported by a qualified bereavement counsellor.
Website: https://griefchat.co.uk/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/GriefChatUK